Monday 9 August 2010

Multi tasking

I'm writing this blog post whilst searching for my next job, probably not the best way to do it buy hey I'm a woman, multi tasking is what we do! So far have not been to successful on the job front but you know what? I need to stay positive or else there is a chance you may find me in a corner rocking back and forth, clutching a bottle of vodka to my chest (that's just me being funny, or trying. I don't even drink, which is ironic seeing as how I work in a bar!)

I know that there is a job out there with my name on it I'm just having to search really hard for it is all. But when I do get it eventually it will be worth the effort and knock backs I've received in the past.

On a much much lighter note I've enquired about doing a creative writing course and am just waiting, nose pressed up against the window, for the postman to deliver my Prospectus. If all goes well look out for me in all good newspapers and magazines (maybe taking that positive thinking lark just a tad too far, oh well!) I've always been interested in writing stories, ever since my Dad first read a Puddle Lane book to me (does anyone still remember those? It seems I'm the only one that does) Am still focusing on the writing I've already done, I just need to find out how to get it into the right hands to see if its any good or if its just a load of excrement! OK my rambling is over now I'm off to continue the job hunt, wish me luck!


Saturday 7 August 2010

It's the weekend! (which means I have to work!)

I'm sitting here writing this post just a few short hours before having to go to work, which does not instill happiness in me I must say. I miss my weekends and the luxury of not having to get dressed or leave the house on a Saturday or Sunday if I wish (as you can tell my weekends were very lazy, and not very productive at the best of times!)
What makes it worse is that because it was payday yesterday I took a detour into WHSmiths after work, and before I knew what was happening I was advancing towards the till with four brand spanking new books in my hand. Today I'd love nothing more than to curl up with said books, read and eat comfort food but alas, that's not to be. I have to go to work to support my dangerous book buying habit (I sound like a druggie I know but to me, this is my drug!)

I'm working on making my own contribution to the book world, as I have written three stories so far (all unfinished but hey, I'm trying at least) Two that would fall under the chick lit genre and one that's aimed at Young Adults. So far no one has been able to read these stories as I am intensely private about them until they are finished, but when I feel a moment of inspiration strike I'm there writing, and with a good brew in my hand and my iPod there's no stopping me!

Anyway I'm going to stop my rant as it must be very boring to you all! Have a fab weekend!

Until next time!


Thursday 5 August 2010

Debut post!

Hi everyone *waving manically*

This is new for me, considering how computer illiterate I am I have decided to join the masses and start my own blog. I'm confused already but I'm slowly learning little things so if you have any advice or tips I would be very grateful!

This blog is an outlet for me to chat about my first love: reading! I love books and my main genre of choice is chick lit (let's hope DJ Connell is not reading this!) I am the butt of jokes in my family where reading is concerned. The volume of books I read and how quick I read them usually raises the question with my family: are you eating them?

Answer: No I don't eat them, but if a book grabs me everyone and everything else ceases to exist. I'm not being ignorant but all book lovers out there will understand where I'm coming from with this!

Anywho hope you like my blog, I know I'm going to enjoy adding to it on a daily/weekly basis.
